Long Dog-Days of summer... What to do?

During the long dog-days of summer, it’s hard to figure out what to do with the kiddos. Mine are all in the pre-teen/teen stage of life, so mainly they can entertain themselves. The main issue is all the screen time! Left to their own devices (pun intended), they will sit glassy-eyed and still, staring at a screen most of the day. YouTube videos by the hour, all those ridiculous teen shows on TV, XBox and PS4 and DS and blah blah blah. 

So Dan and I laid down the law a few months ago and instituted “screen-free” time between the hours of 10am-3pm. Go DO something! There are parks and bike paths and friends to play with! But instead, most days, it is “Mom/Laura, what are we going to do today….” (read in a super whiney voice). I don’t want them to think I am there to constantly entertain them, but I also do want to find fun things to do around the city. 

Enter the BEST website for that purpose: It is called To Do Canada, and there are many major cities (including mine) on there to explore. It tells me what festivals are on, what activities are happening, or suggestions for family fun! It even has sections for adult fun, road trips, day trips, and so much more! It is perfect for me, because I am not good at planning events. I am totally on-board, if someone plans something, but I don’t like being the planner. This website is perfect!

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