My daughter Ayla helped demonstrate this section with me, so it is her blog we are creating here.
When my students log onto the computers at school, they are automatically directed to our division portal, which is where I provided them with a link to the Class Blog. You will have to provide a link for your students wherever is most convenient for them and your system. When they get there, they will be on the Home screen of your Class Blog. Mine looks like this:
My theme is the Edublogs theme Patchwork, but I changed the background image from a plain tan background, to the dark coffee beans. I wanted a darker background so that the boxes would stand out more, and I LOVE coffee! The background was a free one I downloaded from Pixabay, which is an excellent place to find high quality images of all kinds, that are free of copyrights under Creative Commons. It is vital that we teach our students about copyright rules early on, but that's a post for another day.
The first step is for all kids to click on their own blog with their name on it. I walk the kids through this by having a sample up on the Smartboard and pausing at each step to make sure all kids are on the same page. If they get lost at this point, it is hard for them to find where to go, and you will have a LOT of hands up! Next, show them the menu across the top, right under the picture. The menu lists all the pages on their blog site. At this point, it will have “Home” and “Sample Page”. Explain that on a blog site, there are Pages and Posts. Pages are for information we want people to be able to quickly get to any time. This info won’t change very much, like the About Me page we are creating today. We will click on Sample Page.
Once on the Sample Page, students will click the EDIT button to the right of the title, which will take them into the editing part of the site. Make sure all students are there before continuing. The first thing they will do is to change the words "Sample Page" to the words "About Me".
(Under that title is a permalink, which you will also want to change, but I suggest going around and doing that for the students, for simplicity. You will want to leave the rest of the permalink the same, just change the words sample-page to about-me.)
Next, the students type their autobiographical statement from the last part of the lesson into the big white space available!
*For students who struggle with typing, they could first record their writing in a Google Doc using the Read & Write speech-to-text extension, and then copy and paste their work into this blank space.
The following video is Ayla and I going through the process of typing her autobiographical statement onto her blog page.
When done, the students click the blue UPDATE button on the left side of the page, and VOILA! They are internet sensations! Well, maybe not yet... but soon!
As a closure for this lesson, I pull the Class blog up on the Smartboard so the kids can share their pages with each other. I email all the parents so they can check out their child's new page. This is only the beginning of a year of digital portfolios!
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